Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This blog was created solely to alert the South African public about a company called TECHBILITY run by an individual called JYOTHISH JOHN.

I approached Techbility for a java training course several months ago. At the time I was told that the course will familiarize me with a working knowledge of the jkava language, that meals would be provided, and that I would be coached and mentored. At the time of registration, I was told that there wouldn't be any paperwork provided and that it wouldn't matter. Perhaps I was a naive for accepting this without question, but I'm not a person of much means and I couldn't really pass up this offer of a comprehensive course less expensive than others out there.

Imagine my surprise that once my money was handed over and the course began, none of what was (verbally mind you - there was no paperwork) promised me was given. Not only was Mr Jyothish John (the teacher and the CEO) lazy and came unprepared to the class, but he also did not know the subject matter (or he didn't care to teach me properly) properly for at times his teachings was the complete opposite of what my textbook told me. And yes, I had to buy a textbook - the study materials promised initially never appeared. I was also dissauded from asking questions and Mr Jyothish John in fact became angry if I continued to persist upon my doubts. There were also two times when he just didn't show for classes, and I was left outside trying vainly to raise him on his cellphone which had been switched off. Things degraded to such a stage that I was forced to ask him for my money back - which turned into one of my worst experiences of my life. Not only did he refuse outright, but he belittled me racially and told me to "GO BACK TO SOWETO".

I only have utter contempt for this man and the BUSINESS OF LIES he is invested in.

To the public: BEWARE of companies like this, and always do your research before you commit your hard-earned cash.


  1. hi patricia

    i agree completely with u!!! i know about this man and his lies. He approached me in the exact same way u described, saying that he will give an it course for cheap, but when i had given him my money he said there would be no receipt. I was immediately suspicious and asked him to return my money, but he refused point blank! It was only when i created a scene right there and then and threatened to report him to the police that he gave my money back.
    Sissy, i am really sorry that you got conned by this fraud, but you got to be careful - ALWAYS insist on a receipt for your cash!


  2. hello,

    we also had bad exprience with this man. he cheated us. we did some work for his crooked company and he never paid us. he is a thief and a cuning fraud.
